Who we are
Accredited as excellence by the Marche Region Health Department, the San Nicola Addiction Treatment Center is a spearhead for the entire nation. Having also become famous abroad, he boasts patients from the Netherlands, England and the United States.
The structure was founded in 2012 from more than thirty years of experience in the field of addictions of the Villa Silvia Clinic in Senigallia, a renowned private center of medical excellence. The Treatment Center is inspired by American and English structures which are distinguished by a short-term residential stay. The therapeutic program aimed at employees, as well as that aimed at families, is based on the integration of international therapies with high success rates.

Certifications of excellence
• Accredited with EXCELLENCE for rehabilitation activities in the addiction sector by the Marche Region Health Department
• Certified by BUREAU VERITAS (ISO 9001: 2015), one of the most important companies in Europe for quality accreditation
Our staff
The therapeutic team of the San Nicola Addiction Treatment Centre is multidisciplinary, highly specialized and very close-knit. It includes psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, educators, nurses and teachers. Some of them have a history of family addiction or of their own, which helps them create a highly empathetic relationship with those who are facing the problems of the disease. The professionals of the team then become witnesses of a new life without addiction for the guests. Each member of the team has a curriculum of excellence and periodically attends refresher courses at international level.
The creator and founder of the San Nicola addiction treatment centre, Vincenzo Aliotta has also been the reference point for the Villa Silvia clinic in Senigallia for more than 50 years. Vincenzo Aliotta is the beating heart of the San Nicola Centre.
Health Director
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the "G. D'Annunzio " University of Chieti in 2001 she specialized in Clinical Pathology at the same University in 2006, while in 2011 she obtained a specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the University of Marche. She represents the health direction of the Centre.
Graduated in Artistic studies, with a long personal history of addiction, he collaborates with San Nicola Addiction Treatment Centre thanks to the knowledge and direct experience within the self-help groups based on the 12 Steps Program.
Elisabetta was born in Sydney, where she lived and worked until 1980. She is responsible for the secretarial duties and administration of the San Nicola Treatment Centre, as well as managing all communication with foreign countries.
Born in South Africa, resident in Italy since 2009, he has dual citizenship and is a structural engineering technician. With a history of addiction behind him, he has personal experience on the dynamics and problems of rehabilitation.
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Sexologist
She holds a master's degree in Clinical and Community Psychology, specialized in Individual and Group Psychotherapy and has many years of experience in the field of addictions.
Teacher and Educator
British born with a love of the Italian language and culture. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Language and Literature and is an author of textbooks. He teaches language to guests in the programme of recreational and rehabilitation activities.
He graduated in Sociology at the University of Urbino. He then obtained two master's degrees, one in community psychology and formative processes and the other in clinical criminology and legal psychology. He has a lot of experience both as a sociologist and as an educator in various therapeutic communities, social cooperatives, residential facilities and communities for drug addicts.
For 25 years professional chef, Massimo Pertosa has worked in the catering industry in various Italian accommodation facilities, especially in northern and central Italy. In addition to the function of head of the kitchen service of the San Nicol Centre, Massimo teaches guests the management and preparation of meals, tackling with them the various problems in coordinating a full-fledged accommodation facility.
Maria Cristina obtained a diploma in Body Counselling. Graduated in Psychosomatic Naturopathy and in Health and Wellness Operator, she has been dealing with body expression and psychophysical well-being for over 25 years.
Art Counselling
Ceramist for passion she has always had an interest in art and psychology. In her professional experience she has been able to see the link between creativity and psychological well-being also and above all for people who have had difficulties such as addictions and abuse.
Psychologist and Psychotherapist
She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Bologna. She trained both in Italy and abroad in the clinical and research field with specialization in evidence-based psychotherapy approaches.
Psychologist and Psychotherapist
After graduating in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in family therapy at the La Sapienza University of Rome, he has worked as a psychologist and therapeutic coordinator in various therapeutic and rehabilitation facilities.
Art Counselling
Graduated from the Stabile delle Marche, counsellor and teacher of Theatre Therapy with decades of experience in addictions. He helps guests develop the ability to be with and open up to others and overcome emotional blocks, through improvisation games and skill exercises.
Professional Social Educator
Graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Macerata. Together with the other educators, he manages the Italian and English psycho-educational part and also supports the guests in the rehabilitation process. He has previous experience acquired working in mental health and trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).
Professional Educator
Born and raised in the UK where he matured years of experience in the field of rehabilitation. He also holds a personal history of addiction, therefore making him aware and conscious of the dynamics and the process of rehabilitation towards people with this issue.
Psychologist and Psychotherapist
After obtaining a degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” she moved to the UK to undertake an internship in a therapeutic community and develop experiences within various clinical and community centers.
Professional Educator
He graduated in Psychological Sciences and Techniques at the University of Urbino. He is currently enrolled in the master's degree course in Clinical Psychology at the same University. He has gained experience in the field of Pathological Addictions.
Professional Educator
Graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Macerata she is close to graduating in Pedagogy. She has gained experience as an educator in the field of addictions and dual diagnosis. Supports team members in the Center's activities and supports guests in the rehabilitation process.
Paolo Licitra
Professional Educator
Qualified as a Professional Educator in the Perugia-Terni registry. Attained his Master’s degree in Pedagogical Counselling and Planning of Educational Processes at the University of Perugia. After attaining his Bachelor’s degree in Historical Science, Archival Library and Music he gained experience in mental health, disabilities and social assistance. He manages psycho-educational activities alongside other educators. Furthermore, he supports the guests in their recovery journey.
Psychologist and Educator
He graduated in Clinical Psychology, majoring in Sexology at the University of Aquila. He obtained a four-year specialization in Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy at A.T. Beck Institute in Rome and a master degree in Ethno-psychiatry, Migration Psychology. He has many years of experience in the field of addictions.